Exponential Growth in Kenya

The past eight months of the year have been some of the busiest months in Explore history. The Explore Head Office in Cape Town has been flooded with enrollment forms and exam scripts from across the continent, especially from Kenya and the administration team has had their work cut out for them.

Explore’s main means of measuring its reach in Africa is by tracking the number of enrollments received by each student per country. In 2022, there were 2522 total Explore modules studied across the continent with several students graduating in various countries.

From the east to the west of Kenya, from refugee camps in the country’s north eastern regions to university campuses, Kenya Country Coordinator, Misheck Mbevi, has led his small team into various parts of the country. As a result, 46% of Explore’s 2023 module enrollments have come from Kenya alone.


A Unique Opportunity for Kenya

Explore in Kenya has had the unique opportunity to reach and serve refugees from Somalia and South Sudan in refugee camps that are populated with Muslim residents. One refugee camp in Garissa, a Muslim town in the North Eastern Province that has become home to many Somalian refugees, is one of the places where Explore was taken and a number of people contacted as potential facilitators. Garissa is often characterized as anti-Christian and although some Muslims convert to Christianity, they remain Muslim culturally and practice their Christian faith secretly. Our Kenyan team sees the need for the gospel across the country, especially in refugee camps with people who have come from countries where the gospel is scarce. Their aim is for people to know that Jesus offers forgiveness of sins through faith in Him alone.


Future Endeavours 

In an effort to not only grow Explore groups, but also the Explore team, Mbevi regularly conducts facilitation trainings for men and women who are interested in leading groups. Although there is still a great need for more facilitators to come alongside students, we have had fruitful and encouraging training sessions across the country.

Some of the future endeavors for Explore in Kenya include renting out an office space in Nairobi with the aim of centralizing Explore activities in the country and maintaining its growth in an organized and sustainable manner. The team is also being intentional about reaching university students with an Explore promotion day and facilitation training planned for the end of September 2023.


The growth in Kenya has been accompanied by an enormous desire by students to grow in their knowledge of God and this is seen in their commitment to the course. God is at work in the hearts and lives of the people of Kenya- He is revealing Himself to them through His Word and is enabling them to grow in their love for Him and others.