Partnering for the Gospel in Zambia

Our vision is not only to take the Gospel to Africa ourselves, but to also equip Christians in Africa to explore the Bible for themselves, live out its truth, and share its good news. One of the ways we do this is by finding partners across the continent who share in our love for the Gospel and our desire to take people deeper into God’s Word.

Isaac Chiumia, our South-Central Regional Manager, travelled to Chingola, Zambia, to discuss the possibility of Explore partnering with a Christian school built by Zambia’s Child, a Christian NGO. Here is what Isaac had to say about his trip:

 “I travelled to Chingola to meet with  Principal Mr A.M.T Simfukwe and the Chaplain, Pastor Peter Mapoma from Ipalo Christian School (ICS) – a school for the underprivileged. It has 52 staff members and 26 grade 12 students. 

The aim of my trip was to discuss the possibility of partnering with ICS by adapting the Explore Correspondence Course as a bridging course for learners in grade 12 who will either be going to univeristy or back into their communities.  In Zambia, grade 12 learners are in their final year of high school and are being prepared for tertiary education and are expected to be in influential positons thereafter. With this in mind, ICS has identified the need for grade 12 learners to be equipped and prepared, not only academically, but also spiritually for the next phase of their lives. ICS believes that by providing an adapted version of Explore as a bridging course, learners will be grounded in God’s Word and in turn, be godly citizens who will positively impact the spaces they go to through in their lives and by sharing the Gospel.

We agreed that the following steps will be taken:

  1. In 2025, Explore will host a Facilitator Training Seminar in which we will train some of the teachers at ICS as facilitators who will run the Explore Course at the school.
  2. The trained facilitators will study all the Explore modules in their own time.
  3. ICS will send Explore a school calender for 2025 in which we will be featured.
  4. To offer Explore training to untrained pastors in the area

Principal Simfukwe and his team are excited about the Explore Course being introduced at ICS and we look forward to seeing what this partnership will contirbute to the lives of the young people in Chingola, Zambia.”

Please pray that this partnership will bear fruit for God’s glory in Zambia!

Pictured above from left to right: The ICS Vice Principal, Isaac Chiumia, Pastor Peter the ICS Chaplain, and Mr Simfukwe the ICS Principal

To learn more about the course, visit our Student Info page HERE.